Dr. Alexander G. Medvedev presented a lecture on hydrogen peroxide processing for nanomaterial preparation at Moscow Chemical Lyceum №1303 (the All-Russian Project “Scientists to Schools” 2021). In Russian: “Пероксид водорода: от молекулы к наноматериалам для аккумуляторов нового поколения”.

Dr. Petr V. Prikhodchenko presented a lecture on hydrogen peroxide, which allows us to obtain new electrode materials for next-generation metall-ion batteries at the All-Russian Science Festival Nauka 0+ 2020. In Russian: “Как пероксид водорода помогает создавать аккумуляторы нового поколения”.how to clean a clear phone case
Dr. Petr V. Prikhodchenko presented a lecture within the project “Academy for Universities” “Hydrogen peroxide: from molecule to nanomaterials” (May 2020). In Russian: “Пероксид водорода: от молекулы к наноматериалам”.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

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